Building a DIY Pumpkin Sign

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One of the projects tackled this fall was to build some large pumpkin signs to display at our family’s farm. We offer pick your own pumpkins, but only had an 8-1/2” x 11” sign on the barn. After this project we had clear direction to lead customers to the patch!

This is a project I’ve thought about doing for a few years, but it wasn’t a priority compared to clearing land, building a driveway and constructing a house. Finally, it’s time to use up some scraps, buy some paint and complete the project.

“Should Be an Easy Project”

This should be an easy project. That’s what we say at the beginning of every project, thinking it will take an afternoon. Well, that ‘afternoon’ turned into one afternoon and two evenings, but by Wednesday these signs were ready for deployment down at the barn.

I’m no artist, but I am friends with one, and one simple text was all that was needed for Abby to get onboard to visit and help me out. Thanks to Abby for making these pumpkin signs look great!

Of course a full video is available on YouTube of the project, so check that out to see how we did it.

Check out these photos from the build.


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