Living in Vermont: There’s Nothing Else Like it

So before starting this blog we did a bunch of research. What is out there? What is our niche? No matter how hard we looked we couldn’t find a blog out there that really showcases the lifestyle we wanted to live. So that just confirmed, we need to share our story because we can’t be the ONLY ones who enjoy nature, and a slower paced lifestyle. 

Don’t get me wrong, our life is far from slow, we are rarely bored (usually just tired) and never have a free moment. But that’s because we are too busy chasing our passions and crafting the lifestyle we want to live. 

There are a handful of bloggers that turned up in our searches but they were either travel blog, fashion blogs, or mommy blogs, nothing that embraces living in the rural woods, so we’re going to share it.

What’s included in our life? Well we can sum it up into three main categories. Gardening, cooking, and home improvement projects. This could include making pickles, brewing beer, stacking wood, or playing with the dogs. All things that bring us joy. 

Our Life in Flannel is influenced by authenticity, intentionality, frugality (not deprivation, more on this later) and a dash of minimalism. We would be pretty hard core minimalists, but living in the woods, and living by the motto of “be prepared” comes with a basement full of tools and supplies while resisting the family genes to horde everything.


Pepper in the flower garden

Pepper in the flower garden


How to Paint Roof Flashing on a Single Story House for $100


Know When to Stop Being Frugal