Pleasant Things and Helpful Links to Start Your Week

Are you as ready for spring as I am? I love all the seasons equally, but winter has felt a little long this year. I’m ready for the freshness and warmth of spring and to get in the garden again.

Here are some things that I’ve found interesting, helpful, or inspiring over the past week:

Are you planning on getting chickens this year? Now’s the time! I’ve heard rumor demand will be high again this year.

A fun and inspiring article about a Vermont teen growing a business out of his passion for forging. He sells his goods on his website.

I’ve been having a lot of dry skin lately, and Bag Balm has been helping so much. It’s great on the dog’s chapped and cracked paws too. I love a product that can do multiple different things.

Do you love old houses? I was gifted a subscription to Old House Journal and it’s become a fun treat to get in the mail once a month. It’s full of interesting articles and resources. Very helpful if you’re remodeling or building and want to keep your house looking original.

Have a wonderful week, and remember to look for the good in everything.


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